Monday 28 January 2008

My BA with Ariane!

Yeah well the puke story wasn’t exactly that way, but I don’t want to stick to small details…but as you already noticed this city is a craze and not only in our imagination!
From the burst of mayonnaise (Plaza de Mayo), over very mean grandmas, to “ah me naked” (a menudo). I have the feeling that this was just the beginning of weird stories. Nevertheless I will never understand why Argentineans are so keen on standing in queues, why they always lust for disorganization and mayhem and why bizarre red things are dancing tango in the street. Here you can witness the transformation of a harmless bug into a dangerous bloodsucking cockroach, Mozzarella turns into Muzarella and that’s not only a typing mistake but the whole cheese gets lost in translation. Taxi drivers fall asleep at every red light or simply enjoy an extra ride around the block just to flirt a little bit longer with us (and to make us pay more, of course). Barkeepers are gay, though so fucking sexy. Stairs are there to step on someone else’s drink (mine) (note to Ariane: not to fall down) and sometimes, somehow you find yourself caught in Alfred Hitchkock’s (or Hitchcock … poor guy) “Birds” but whatever happens, there’s always a cute (Italian) guy to rescue us…so it’s simply “hhrrreniallll”!
Do you understand what I mean? … Well, to be continued…


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